at 13.12.2024
Art calendar of the city of Düren

“Düren – City of Reconstruction” – City of Düren presents new calendar

Düren. “Düren – City of Reconstruction” is the motto of the City of Düren’s new art calendar. The calendar was created 100 percent in Düren: The twelve motifs and the cover page were created by Düren artist Jutta Rücker, and the calendar was printed on Düren paper by a Düren-based company.

The calendar is a collection of motifs from the “period of reconstruction”. It features digitally colored hand-drawn sketches of Düren’s buildings, squares and landmarks that were built in the 1950s. They include curved balconies on buildings on Weierstraße, the round pavilion on Schützenstraße, tiled pictures on a building on the corner of Markt/Kölnstraße and the casino tower on Aachener Straße. “My calendar pictures are based on visible evidence of the reconstruction period. However, I am not interested in documenting architectural traces of the 1950s, but rather in exploring the challenges people faced back then and the connections between what was created back then and life in the city today,” explained Jutta Rücker.

“The calendar helps us to better understand the connections between the reconstruction and the way our city looks today and to look at it from a new perspective. The motifs offer a new portrayal of Düren’s history during such a traumatic period and lead into the period of reconstruction – a time of renewal, development and freedom,” said Mayor Frank Peter Ullrich at the presentation of the art calendar, which the city publishes with the support of Sparkasse Düren. The bank’s CEO, Uwe Willner, added: “I was immediately impressed by the calendar. It invites you to take a tour through the city to see the motifs in the calendar. Motifs that many of us know, but whose significance we are not always aware of.”

The calendar will be distributed as a gift at the City of Düren’s New Year receptions and other special occasions. The calendar is accompanied by a brochure that provides further information and the stories behind the individual motifs. The motifs will also be on display in the foyer of the town hall from January 7 to January 22, 2025 as part of the exhibition “Düren – City of Reconstruction – Presentation of the Motifs of the 2025 Art Calendar”.

Press release of the city of Düren, from 13.12.2024